... the Belle Époque never sounded better ...

Truesound Transfers is a series of CD-R issues presenting rare recordings from the "acoustic" era (1888 - 1930), as well as some early electric recordings of the 1920s and 1930s.


·  The effects of wear and tear that these records have suffered in the last 80 to 120 years are minimized by using proprietary digital technology

·  Some of the broadband noise (hiss) that is inherent in the early recording process is retained, to avoid loss of performance details through over-processing

·  Our aim is to let you hear these recordings as close as possible to the original sound of the musical performance, as if listening to an ideal, faultless master recording medium

·  We take great care to transfer the original discs and cylinders at the correct musical pitch


The original recordings for this series of transfers were most kindly provided by several European collectors, notably (in alphabetical order) Reiner Broschell (Germany), Henri Chamoux (France), Dr. Ulrich Dahmen (Germany), Jean-Luc Fradet (France), Michael E. Gunrem (France), Raoul Konezni (Germany), Willy Kyburz (Switzerland), Karsten Lehl (Germany), Houston Maples (USA), Earl Okin (England), Andreas Schmauder (Germany), Michael Seil (Germany), Hugo Strötbaum (Netherlands), Axel Weggen (Germany), and several others. If you have anything rare and interesting to offer, I will be glad to exchange CD-Rs from my catalogue for good, unfiltered DAT/CDR copies of your records. Please e-mail me in that case to discuss the details.




All recordings used as source material for Truesound Transfers CD-Rs are believed to be in the Public Domain according to §64, § 82, § 85/3 resp. § 87/3 UrhG (German Copyright Law), being more than 50 years old, mostly much older than that. If anyone should however be able to prove that he/she is holding copyright in any of the original recordings used by us, we shall be happy to either make arrangements or remove the item in question immediately from our catalogue.

All digital remasterings and compilations, together with their discographic notes, are copyright to Truesound Transfers (Christian Zwarg, Raschdorffstr. 15, D-13409 Berlin, Germany) and may not be copied without our permission.


 This page (C) 1998-2025 by Christian Zwarg, Berlin, Germany. 


Christian Zwarg
Raschdorffstr. 15
13409 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 49873542 (private)

Steuernr.: 17/609/61512 (FA Berlin-Reinickendorf)

Our prices and invoices are VAT-exempt as a small business according to § 19 UStG.


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The German-language "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" (AGB) are here.