... the Belle Époque never sounded better ...



TT-4019 Leo Slezak: Cylinders (2CDs)

All known phonograph cylinders and Pathé discs, including the home recordings of 1903

New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch throughout, new discographical research, 
many tracks available on CD for the first time.

€ 24.99


TT-4017 Ernst Kraus: Der Ring des Nibelungen (2 CDs)

Highlights from "Die Walküre", "Siegfried" and "Götterdämmerung"

New digital restorations in precise pitch.

€ 24.99

TT-4018 Ernst Kraus: Recital 1905-1923
(2 CDs)

Opera scenes and Lieder

New digital restorations in precise pitch.


€ 24.99




TT-4000 Series in New Design and New Quality:

Full Range + Full Dynamics + Correct Pitch and EQ = Authentic Reproduction

Detailed Discographical Documentation

CDs in black vinyl style (UV-resistant, no paper labels)

Digifile Photo Cover (no plastic "jewel box")

 Price per single CD: € 16.99 (incl. shipping and postage)

Price per 2-CD set: € 24.99 (incl. shipping and postage)

Our prices and invoices are VAT-exempt as a small business according to § 19 UStG. No VAT discount can be given to foreign customers.

Please use the PayPal shopping cart buttons for ordering!

If you prefer to order without using PayPal, please send an Email with the list of CDs you want and your shipping address to

In the list below, you can click on any CD icon (resp. number) to see a detailed track list. 
Clicking on the logos plays a free sample track. 


Still available:


Wilhelm Hesch (1900-1905) (2 CDs)

His complete existing Gramophone Co. recordings - Volume 1 of 2 (see also TT-4016)

New digital restorations in precise pitch, most tracks for the first time ever available on CD.

€ 24.99

Wilhelm Hesch (1906-1907) (2 CDs)

His complete existing Gramophone Co. recordings - Volume 2 of 2 (see also TT-4015)

New digital restorations in precise pitch, most tracks for the first time ever available on CD.


€ 24.99


Die lustige Witwe (1907) (2 CDs)

Complete Recording with the original Berlin Cast (1907)

plus Highlights with the World Premiere Cast (Wien 1906) and from Eric Charell's revised version (Berlin 1929)

New digital restorations in precise pitch, most tracks for the first time ever available on CD.

€ 24.99


Richard Tauber
(2 CDs)

Volume 2 (of 3) presenting Tauber's complete mechanical ("acoustical") recordings

New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch throughout, new discographical research, 
includes all existing alternative takes and variants, some of them available on CD for the first time.

€ 24.99

Richard Tauber
(2 CDs)

Volume 3 (of 3) presenting Tauber's complete mechanical ("acoustical") recordings

New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch throughout, new discographical research, 
includes all existing alternative takes and variants, some of them available on CD for the first time.

€ 24.99

Richard Tauber
(2 CDs)

Volume 1 (of 3) presenting Tauber's complete mechanical ("acoustical") recordings

New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch throughout, new discographical research, 
includes all existing alternative takes and variants, some of them available on CD for the first time.

€ 24.99

In memoriam
Alfred Seiser
(2 CDs)

Rarities from the important 78rpm collection of Alfred Seiser (now preserved in the GHT Archive):
Selected Berliner, G&T, Gramophone and Zonophone recordings 1899 - 1917

For the most part never before on CD or even never reissued at all anywhere. All items carefully restored at correct pitch.

€ 24.99

Louise Kirkby Lunn (2 CDs)

A selection of her finest recordings  -  45 tracks: Arias from opera and oratorio, lieder and ballads (1902 - 1923)

New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch throughout, many titles available on CD for the first time. 

€ 24.99

Josef Mann
(2 CDs)

All the arias and duets recorded for Odeon (1919 - 1921), 
further a selection of Pathé recordings from Lemberg (1910 - 1912).

New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch throughout, for the first time in this quality on CD.

€ 24.99

Les "Collections des Chefs-d'śuvre Artistiques"
(2 CDs)

Pathé's own selection of "Discs that should be in every home": Highlights from their 1907 and 1908 catalogues.

60 tracks, artists include Affre, Alvarez, Beyle, Caruso, Vaguet, Delna, Merey, Renaud, Vigneau, Aumonier, Delmas...

€ 24.99

Betty Fischer (1 CD)

Complete surviving recordings (25 tracks, 
1912 - 1953) of the legendary Viennese operetta diva. First-ever reissue on CD.

Compositions by  Franz Lehár, Leo Ascher, Imre Kálmán, Carl Michael Ziehrer, Oscar Straus u.a.

Issued in co-operation with Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger (GHT), Wien

€ 16.99

Melanie Kurt (2 CDs)

Complete recorded repertoire, 39 tracks produced between 1910 and 1922. New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch, for the first time in this quality on CD.

Assisting artists: Margarete Matzenauer, Ottilie Metzger, Karl Jörn, Ernst Kraus, Jacques Urlus, Paul Knüpfer, Bruno Seidler-Winkler, Friedrich Kark.

€ 24.99

Adolf Wallnöfer
(2 CDs)

All his existing recordings as a singer (1905 - 1933), further a live broadcast of three of Wallnöfer's compositions (München 1939) and a broadcast interview (1944).

Artists in the live broadcast: Lorenz Fehenberger, Anneliese Schloßhauer, Adolf Mennerich.

As a bonus:
Hermann Winkelmann

15 recordings
(1900 - 1906)

New audio restoration in precisely correct pitch throughout, for the first time in this quality on CD.

€ 24.99

K. K. Hofoper Wien 1904 (2 CDs)

59 Odeon recordings, recorded in September 1904 for the International Talking Machine Co. 
Most of them available on CD for the first time 

Elise Elizza, Betty Schubert, Hermine Kittel, Frantíšek Pácal, Leo Slezak, Friedrich Weidemann, Wilhelm Hesch
At the piano: Oskar Dachs
flute: Marko Radossawljewitsch

€ 24.99

The 1902 "London Reds" (2 CDs)

The legendary early series of G&T Red Seal celebrity recordings, for the first time reproduced in correct pitch and excellent sound
(55 tracks)

Suzanne Adams, David Bispham, Emma Calvé, Jan Kubelík, Pol Plançon, Anton van Rooy, Antonio Scotti
At the piano: Landon Ronald

€ 24.99

Margarethe Siems
(2 CDs)

Complete issued recordings  (1903 - 1912)
Arias, duets and ensembles with Minnie Nast, Eva von der Osten, Gertrude Förstel, Desider Arányi, Desider Zádor

€ 24.99


This page (C) 2019-2025 by Christian Zwarg, Berlin, Germany.